Energy Levels of Various Foods
The following list assigns foods to different energy levels. Energy level #1 contains a list of foods that are medicinal in their healing properties.
Energy Level #1 - Unlimited Quantities are Encouraged - at least 60% of your diet
- Almonds Cabbage Oranges
- Apples Carrots Peaches
- Avocados Cauliflower Raisins
- Bananas Chard Shitake Mushrooms
- Barley Garlic Shoyu (aged soy sauce)
- Beans Ginger Spinach
- Berries Grapes Sprouts
- Broccoli Lentils Strawberries
- Brown Rice Oatmeal Sunflower seeds
- Bulgar Wheat Onions Vegetarian Soups
There are several nutritional supplements that can also be included in your diet to further increase its protein and calorie intake. These include Bear Valley Meal Pack Bars (400 calories, 16 grams of protein each), Gainer's Fuel by Twinlabs (531 calories, 21 grams of protein per serving), and Ensure Plus (355 calories, 13 grams of protein per serving). If the Gainer's Fuel or Ensure Plus are too rich for your taste, they can both be diluted with additional water to increase their palatability.
Energy Level #2 - Unlimited Quantities - at least 20% of your diet
- Cashews Nut Butters Sprouted Seed Breads
- Corn Olive Oil Vegetable Juices
- Eggs Papayas Whole Grain Breads
- Fruit Juices* Peanuts Whole Grain Pastas
- Herb Teas Potatoes Yams
- Lemon Spring Water Yogurt
*Fruit juice is best diluted with an equal amount of water due to its high acid content.
Energy Level #3 - Supplements
Supplements are used to enhance the diet. They are not meant to replace a healthful selection of foods.
Energy Level #4 - Consumption of these foods or substances should be kept to a minimum
- Coffee Desserts Honey
- Whole Grian Cookies * Dry Cereals Ice Cream
*Cookies made without processed white flour and white sugar. All foods containing processed white flour and white sugar should be avoided.
Energy Level #5 - These foods or substances are best completely avoided
- Alcohol (hard liquor)
- Drugs
- Smoked meats
- Black Coffee
- Frozen Foods
- White Flour
- Canned Vegetables
- Pesticides
- White Sugar
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